About ISDA

About ISDA

The Indian Sleep Disorders Association was founded in the year 1995 as a registered society. It is a body of professional practitioners of Sleep Medicine. A group of eight founder members from different states of India floated the idea of starting the Society at a National Level. The lead was taken by Dr. J. C. Suri, Head - Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine, who established the first Sleep Laboratory of the Country at Safdarjung Hospital Delhi. The core group involved in the development of aims and objectives, rules & regulation; and planning and promotion of society consisted of Dr Parvati Gopal from Bangalore, Dr. Vikram Sarbhai from Uttar Pradesh, Dr. R. Vijay Kumar from Hyderabad, Dr. S. K. Sahu from Orissa., Dr. R. C. Sahu from Mangalore & Dr. S. H. Talib from Maharashtra. The office of the Society headquarters started functioning from the Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. The membership at large is drawn from various disciplines like internal medicine, pulmonary medicine, neurology, psychiatry, pediatrics and ENT. The basic aim of the society has been to generate and disseminate the updated knowledge about various sleep disorders both amongst medical professionals and public at large. It helps in providing the medical fraternity interested in the field of sleep medicine, a common platform to discuss and put forward their views.The society has been regularly and actively organizing international & national workshops, conferences, seminars and symposium. The first International Symposium cum workshop on Sleep Disorders was organized in 1996 at Hotel Ashok, New Delhi with Dr. J. C. Suri as its Organising Chairman. At that time society had only 25 life members. From that humble beginning the society has come a long way and now has more than 200 members. The society has been decentralized into four zones to encourage membership and facilitate smooth functioning. The association is holding regular courses and workshop on sleep disorders with NAPCON the combined conference of National College of Chest Physician & Indian Chest Society since 1999. It has also held courses and workshops on Sleep Disorders with the annual conference of Association of Physician of India (API). The society brings out its official journal i.e. Indian Journal of Sleep Medicine.